Jim Courtwood
Author of the Time & Attendance Consultant's Guide Series
I uploaded my brain into an AI Chatbot... at least one of the more useful parts!
The part of my brain I chose to upload was the part most helpful to businesses needing assistance with their employee time and attendance.
I have documented twenty years of experience in three extensive guides on time and attendance systems and through multiple blog articles over the last ten years.
I took those documents and fed them into AI Chat Bot software. In ten minutes, I had a fully functional AI Time and Attendance Consultant that (my spellchecker wants me to use who! ) can answer any question a user asks with surprising accuracy, including those with very specific topics.
Other LinkedIn contributors have expressed their dissatisfaction with Chat GPT, and I concur. If you are even close to being an expert in the field being researched, it is easy to spot the flaws produced by ChatGPT . However, when capturing your own extensive knowledge or business processes, the source data for your own BOT is infallible!
Testing the BOT
I compared my new AI Attendance Consultant with Chat GPT by asking the same question, and the results were interesting. One of the questions I asked them both was - "Should I buy a Biometric or an RFID Time Clock for my business?
Chat GPT produced a broad response, with many aspects for the user to consider. It provided many paragraphs of information and pros and cons for the user to make an informed decision. It is what you might call an "all care, no responsibility" response. The response was flavoured with commentary on social and ethical responsibility (ew! I just want to buy a time clock, not save the world or address income disparity!).
By comparison, my AI Attendance Consultant provided a response that reflected what an experienced consultant would offer.
The Results - Chat GPT Versus the AI Time & Attendance BOT.
The response from my AI Attendance Consultant Bot is the same as I would have given. It is unsurprising because it was based on my accumulated experience in the training material uploaded to the Bot.
By comparison, Chat GPT was a little generalised and a little preachy! On other attendance topics, Chat GPT was simply a way of the mark with responses that didn't reflect any "real world" experience.
How this can help you and your business?
There are many ways that AI Bots can help your business, particularly if it is proprietary knowledge you are dealing with.
In your own business, you can consider ways to capture your SOPs so your staff can quickly drill down to a specific process without wading through pages of the document.
New employees can have this ready for reference. Telemarketers, for example, can enter prospects' questions directly in your AI Chat box for immediate and consistent responses.
You upload all your product manuals to your Bot so users can more easily find help on those questions, often hidden in plain view, they can't find in the manual.
Do you have someone in your office who seems to know the answer to everyone's questions? It could be you!
Do you really want to be answering the same questions over and over again? Document the questions and answers and upload them to your company BOT. Get creative here, and you can really make an impact on your business processes.
How the Time & Attendance Consultant Website Can Help You.
Are you the kind of individual who wants to personally evaluate a raft of information on a topic before making your mind up? Or are you the kind of individual who wants an experienced person to cut through the noise and give you a clear strategy or a simple choice?
Either option is fine, of course, but if you would like clear direction on selecting and implementing a new time and attendance system, I invite you to subscribe to the Time & Attendance Consultant website, (www.timeandattendanceconsultant.com.au) where you can access the Time & Attendance Consultant Bot plus one of my current Time & Attendance Guides.
Early adopters will have free access for life to guides (more published soon!) , product reviews and a free time and attendance phone consultation.
Jim Courtwood